All a Dad Needs (1)

All a Dad Needs (1)

All a Dad Needs (1)

Our son and daughter in-law built their own ranch in Carolina US. A young inspiring couple who set out to fulfill a dream. They purchased a small plot of land and set to work.

We help as much as we can. Being far away we try and maximize the time we do have together when we are in the US at their place. Horses need water so a water system needed installing. It’s a lot like putting down a garden water system.


Israel is a world leader in irrigation and I put in the system in our garden. So, what the heck. Can’t be too difficult to put one in a barn. The project began in the spring of 2016 when we came to be with the “kids”. Luckily we were able to come twice that year and we returned in the summer of 2016. Got the job was done.



Then this appeared on Facebook.

I usually don’t post stuff like that on Facebook but this time I have to . I want to thanks my awesome dad Ian Susman for all u have done for me and putting auto water in the barn !! Also to my mom Anat Susman for all u guys do !! Love u so much I would never have even been close to where I am without u guys !!!!”             Gilad Susman


What more does a Dad need?

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